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Friday, April 24, 2009

The Mistress of Spices - Chitra Bannerjee Divakaruni

Aaaagh! what was the author thinking? I love fantasy books! I can delve in fantasy lands. But this one was too much even for me. I will absolutely not see the movie made out of it (appreciate the sheer guts of the producer!). A woman with magical powers that give her control over the spices!An American falls in love with her! End of story! who cares!

If there is no other book left in the world read it!


twopenneth said...

I think there's a movie with the same stories but more subtle. Indian woman who has a spice shop in AMerica, beholden to some responsibility pass on by ancestors, fell inlove, rest is history. I just couldn;t remember the title. Love your blog!

thamarai said...

hey thanks for reading my blog..:D..ya, the movie goes with the same name as the book...

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