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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Expat interview series - My turn!

I had the privilege of being a part of the Expat interview series held by - A Letter from the Netherlands. It was fun and self-revealing, answering her questions.

Thanks Amanda!! :)


Pinay in Dutchland said...

oh so its you hahahaha. i haven't read it. will do now! oh im so excited to read about it. will come back in a while to leave another comment hehe,

Pinay in Dutchland said...

oh thank you for mentioning my blog. and i love how you described the Dutch, frank, open, coffee guzzling hahaha!. I just realized, Ive arrived here the same month that you did. Coolness.

thamarai said...

hehe...ya my big long complicated name!! :D..Thanks for reading it!! :)..I do enjoy reading your blog a lot!!

~ Lopa said...

Ohhh so that's your real name Vijayalakshmi.... got it now... I was actually thinking what your real name might be ;)

I read it, and something caught my eyes.... "on the bright side my cooking skills have improved!"
Looking at we have hardly any good south indian restaurants here; it will be nice to know you more in greater, greatest interests... ;)hahaha

thamarai said...

hehe..attempt at a simpler pen name or blog name..:)..and yes...definitely let me know if you visit Eindhoven....if you are brave enough for my cooking..:D

~ Lopa said...

I am very brave, believe me ;)

thamarai said...

Then you are most welcome!! Do let me know if you are around..:D

Unknown said...

It was great reading about you! I learned a lot :-) Amanda's blog is great & what a treat for you to be featured there too!

thamarai said...

Thanks Isabella! Yes was such a treat!! :)

karthik said...

Hey viji, I read your post on amanda's blog, it was a fun read I should say. As for me I'm from India, comin to Rotterdam in jan 2010 for an MBA at RSM. Would like to get in touch. Just drop a mail to my gmail.

thamarai said...

Hi Karthik...thanks for your comment. Good luck with your MBA program..

Amanda van Mulligen said...

So glad you enjoyed taking part - it is so interesting to read about how others "experience" life with the Dutchies. I love learning about other expats and this series has introduced me to some great people!

thamarai said...

Thanks a lot for doing this really gave me a chance to think over it myself..looking forward to your next series..

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