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Friday, August 21, 2009

Physicist dudes

Physicists are a queer bunch. Having been in an engineering department mostly, I have never seen these species up close before. Imagine this. My very first lesson at TU/e. I enter a class of Laser Physics and am a little nervous. The class is already filled, I take a seat on the last row(typical!). I can see about 4-5 students with thick locks of blond, brown and black hair from behind. Phew! good that there are other girls. I generally feel comfortable to see other girls in a class. Not understanding much of the quantum physics mambo jumbo the professor was talking about I spent most of my class trying to get a better look at other students from behind. Imagine my shock as I discover one by one that all these long maned beauties are guys!! All of them!

Ah! The love that these physicists have for their golden locks! Some have such dense thickets that I wouldn't be surprised if a bird flies out of it suddenly.The bespectacled wonders travel in packs and wear the weirdest color clothes. The picture I drew above is actually inspired by a physicist in my office. I always am on a look out for him in the mornings just to see what he wears.

Some of them are really nice though. It is always useful to have some of these walking-talking brains as your friends. You constantly need to remind them to have a touch down and speak as we normal earthlings do. :)

P.S - As you can imagine, I never completed the Laser Physics course! :D I somehow managed to get all my grades without that one.


Unknown said...

"normal earthlings"? Come on! you're an engineer!! You are FAR away from a "normal earthling"!!!
Either you want it or not... you're still a geek! Sorry!!

Pinay in Dutchland said...

ahahhaa, not very far from the guys working in MK's office. but they can be fun, especially when they talk about things that out of a normal person's grasp.

~ Lopa said...

hahaha, you love trying your hands at sketching, don't you ;)

Well, me and my sister stayed together when she was perusing B.Arch and me my masters. That time i have come across her so many classmates who looks similar and they actually think they are different than rest of us !
And we engineers, they are far diff and decent and no, architecture is not related with engineering.

thamarai said...

Nicolas come on!! geek is way off...btw, I was beginning to doubt that you had switched parties with the physicists ....but after you cut your hair, was relieved..;)

Pinay, true, these guys keep going on oblivious to the fact that no body understands them...

Lopa, architects must then be a different breed altogether..I can imagine the kind of arguments that you two must have had..:)

Unknown said...

Lol!! When I first saw the thumbnail for this entry on my own blog, I thought, "oh-oh, are we going to talk Physics?", and I was afraid it'd be too complicated for me to follow!! :o)
I never expected to read, instead, about the manes of your physicist colleagues!!
Hilarious! And lovely picture!!

thamarai said...! Don't ever worry about me writing complicated stuff..I am glad you enjoyed the post...and thanks for the comment on my drawing..:)

karthik said...

Cool Cartoon man :-)your posts are all light hearted and fun to read. I recently complained about myself to my pals here about how I always end up writing serious topics, I'm looking to add variety to my blog and write some light hearted stuff as well. let's see.

thamarai said...

Thanks Karthik! I guess you should write what you are most passionate about..Good luck with your blog...

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